Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mayday, mayday

The cats are out of the bag. In more than one place; I'm almost relieved for one, and nearly indifferent for the other, which is not how I felt before. The fear was greater than the result in these instances, and as Newton's Law says, 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'.

So I now do not have to initiate, only respond, and the template has been created, so the way is paved. Now moving on is a little easier, if only what now feels like by a degree; something is better than nothing.

I'm too mature and far along in my career to buy into brainwashing or popular "knowledge" that is not based in fact. My conscience is clear; I cannot be made a scapegoat, however popular a target I may be. It had to be somebody, and just as well me as anyone else, for now. This just turns on the 'everyperson' mechanism and gets the wheels turning so that whatever happens is not just for me. It's for the others who have been voiceless, until the words got out.