Tuesday, October 31, 2017
'Pinned', by 'Black Cats'
Only sat down to have lunch, on 'blog day', and have been surrounded by 'black cats' ever since (and before, in different ways). Got some work done. Still can't get up. Still working. One in my lap, one on the right, another foster cat on the left. Because I sat down. Not their normal napping spots. Must be the body heat, as if they needed to get warm, indoors, with a person who keeps the thermostat higher than most.
They have been sequestered until the passing of a 'holiday' that has had them at risk. Today's. Same day 18 years ago I informed my son's father a child was on the way: the telling being an utterance I have often regretted. Otherwise, however, the child would have never known his father's side of the family (most of whom are not abusive), and I would have been able to afford the child's college education: material for another story altogether.
Cruelty is mostly human to human and human to animal, animals killing humans usually only when threatened and not killed by humans first. Animals with black fur are even more vulnerable on Halloween, thus you rarely see them at adoption events or featured in shelters during the month of October. The kittens that have taken over my lap for the afternoon are no exception. They will be made available next month, 'Lord willing'.
Two siblings from a litter of four, one that didn't survive. The remaining three would have been put down because there was no overnight staff at a kill shelter to bottle feed them. It was only a matter of timing and proximity that death was not their fate. Not all are so lucky. Same goes for unweaned puppies.
So it's ironic they must remain protected once again, from people cognitively aware they are from a rescue, not caring they were spared with intentions to make them victims of sadistic pranks that are actually crimes for which they will likely as not be held accountable.
The same logic applies to the abusers of humans, the difference being that accountability is even less. More animal shelters exist than refuge for survivors of domestic violence and their children. They are most always women and minors. The stories and their atrocities are seen less in the news than those of animal cruelty, yet no less prevalent.
Black cats (or animals) are not 'bad luck', or appropriate targets of cruelty. Neither are women and children. The media has hidden the facts rather than expose them much more often than not. Following the money is one explanation, the culture of people (and animals) as property with which 'owners' can 'do as they wish' is another. Not so ironically, the U.S. Constitution supports it. Will let that sink in, 'til another time (Lord willing).
Black cats get bad treatment, as do donkeys, elephants, dogs, and pigs. All are gentle creatures deserving of compassion and kindness, yet they have been made to symbolize 'terror', political parties, sexual perversion and depravity, and a host of other connotations none of them deserve either.
The same could easily be said for mothers attempting to protect their children who use systemic means of last resort only to find themselves up for auction and slaughter as well. The parallels, and extent to which the cultural conditioning contributes to the massacres remains mind boggling.
cultural conditioning,
the Constitution.
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