Monday, December 31, 2007

Since this began...

The event for which it was partially inspired has been noted by many that may wish to contribute, so that all who are connected may not again this year have events overlapping and more can be attended by more with common purposes...

Those highlighted by the media for deeds not for the good of all concerned returned to their previous occupations, almost as if nothing had happened...

We are at the end of another year, looking forward with hope and prayer that more of the former will occur, and less of the latter.

A very happy, abundant, and peaceful New Year to all, so that common visions for our best possible outcomes will progress, and common practices that serve the few at costs to many will continue to diminish.

'Peace is not the absence of tension, but the presence of justice' - MLK

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanks for the 'nudge' (writing one's own material).

In gratitude for being asked to submit text at a time that was not 'ideal' when the request was made. For similar reasons, 'current' feelings that are numerous will be reflected upon later, in the moment. Hope everyone had a wonderful month, and to making the most of every day...all the best.

What is Community Organizing? An Opinion.

On a rare day when the PBS channel was surfed to during January, I was happy to see that there were back to back presentations of actual footage from the civil rights movement. The stories of Rosa Parks and school segregations were shown in black and white clips produced at the time, including the involvement of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. What struck me the most in all three was the story behind the story that we are either unaware of by lack of exposure to such details, or what has been watered down by our respective learning environments, from schools to the media.

What alarms me today and a large part of why we are here is the difference between the attitudes of the children portrayed in the former compelling footage and what has been witnessed by all of us within even the last 24 hours in our own community.

My heart was gripped imagining the emotions of the 6-year-old girl, her head down, focusing as well as she could on putting one foot in front of the other, being jeered at and threatened by grown people, mostly men.

Children of all backgrounds were interviewed on their thoughts about what was rapidly becoming heated in their school: the attendance of children of another color that was to begin within days, by court order. Here lies the contrast as was observed: children at all grade levels were accepting, logical, and embarrassed by the behavior of their own parents and other adults in their community.

Today, just a few generations later, it is the children as well who openly mimic the biases, prejudices, lack of understanding, resentment, anger, and yes, inherited hatred of those the size of adults who appear to ‘run’ the streets they travel daily. They are the products of their environments. Only by recognition, action, and improving the awareness of this damaging proximity and what it represents can we reclaim our dignity as humans, where we are, now, beginning with ourselves and acknowledging the parts we have played, however direct or otherwise.

The phrase ‘community organizing’ can ring as almost redundant, as the meaning of the word 'community' itself* can be interpreted as ‘services shared by all’, which to me, the operative word is ‘shared’. Every individual in every community has a right to peace and the quiet enjoyment of a home, a real home, not one where there is no peace; otherwise it is an additional environment of unrest, in addition to the street itself. The only difference is the separation of walls, which can make a so-called home even more dangerous than the open public space of ‘outside’.

‘Peace’, as so well defined by Dr. King, is one we can appreciate. It ‘is not the absence of tension, but rather, the presence of justice’. The latter can exist in many forms and on many levels. 'A threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere' is another of this great visionary’s memorable quotes. He was less inclined to first identify himself by the color of his skin than others were quick to do and thus relate to. He embraced calling every child his own, who are now our parents and grandparents, in the quest his shortened life only began; we have far to go in finishing the job, and looking around leaves much to be desired. How have we participated, and what can we do to insure that the next generation, our children, do not repeat history yet again?

We have all been ‘left out’ at many points in our lives; it is not the innocent or the weak who came into our world to bear the brunt of our anger and sense of injustice, however real or otherwise. We are cowards at any moment when anyone in our path becomes the recipient of displaced anger or resentment about either what we cannot control or another unreachable ‘oppressor’. Becoming ‘oppressors’ ourselves, knowingly or otherwise, only serves to reverse the efforts and disappoint the spirits of those who risked their lives for the freedoms we do have that we often take for granted.

The injustices are all around us; largely (in this country), they are often not ‘someone else’s fault’, were we only more aware, were we only more interested in what ‘freedom’ means to someone else. Ask. You will get many different answers. 'Community', in its ideal form, has order by the progressive and organized initiative of compassionate, aware, and pro-active souls who take responsibility from this moment forward that ‘outside’ forces can only harm us if we are unaware of each others’ unique and irreplaceable talents, gifts, and capacities. In failing to recognize, nurture, and utilize these natural resources in our own backyards and streets we have failed ourselves and those we see daily.

We are here together today to acknowledge and represent the strength of our collective talents and contacts. By actively and consistently engaging in and repeating the successes of those who carved paths before us to bring us where we are now, we are insuring a healthier and more just future for ourselves and our children. This begins by acknowledging and nurturing what we have now, both within our respective groups, and ourselves.

The exponential effect of simultaneously recognizing those with common visions near us, making it part of our mission to continuously communicate, locate, and build upon the collective and unique strengths of all who share a respect for the value of freedom, or the best for all concerned, is both the essence and heart of what organizing is. It is exactly the same kind of collective support and harmony exercised faithfully, intensely, and diligently over time that now enables our seats on the bus together, and our children in the same classrooms.

We must come together again in the same manner for what remains. If we succeed in copying the habits, faith, love, and acceptance exemplified by those we have now immortalized, we become like them. They were not gods, nor did they wish to be; they recognized their purpose, embraced it, and did not give up.

Their examples inspired others to join them; the power of their words and actions resonate today. It’s now our turn to do their bidding, not to put them on pedestals, but to join hands with their spirits, gather our numbers, and continue, if not finish what they came here to teach us. Only then, in our own skins, will we have something to truly be proud of, and that our children will as well.

Speech delivered at Medgar Evers College

Monday, October 29, 2007

Public Transportation

In a nutshell: humanity up close and personal. There are those who live in major metropolitan areas and choose to get around this way throughout their lives; others eagerly await the day to move to where a car is actually required, regardless of the cost, with a primary objective being no longer having the unpredictable immediate proximity of strangers and what accompanies being a part of their daily travels. All we have is today, as events and tragedies continue to remind us, and will continue, until we 'get it'.

I may or may not be torn when the day comes that I will be choosing between the comfort of a 'new car smell' and the faces of unknown children, their parents, grandparents, those elated and in visible pain in one form or another, and the option of the shared commute.

A balance of some kind would be in order; the more we are able to feel good or at peace during available moments, the easier it is to move ever closer to our common visions, and to help others to go to a 'place' where they may be able to claim visions of their own. Sensitive souls are often at risk for 'high vibrations' being quickly lowered by others' pain, too close for comfort.

There is no invisible 'force field', 'immunity', or guaranteed 'shield' from what can affect us or others at any given moment. This 'lesson' continues to repeat itself in different forms, either to us or as we witness it happen to others. There is a dispair that comes with the feeling of helplessness when those we love are in pain that we cannot easily or quickly 'fix'. It can have a 'slowing effect' on momentum, real or imagined, as those we love become temporarily 'disconnected' by trauma, grief, and recovery. It is how humans survive; to bounce back as though nothing happened would be unnatural or questionable.

Happiness is a choice; joy is momentary and ongoing at the same time, as our connections to each other become ever more acknowledged and forces are joined, slowly, in waves, spurts, and 'sudden' revelations.

Pain and joy witnessed as a captive audience on a bus, train, ferry, or other means is filtered through the awareness of all who see them individually and differently by single and separate human perceptions, directly connected to invisible conditions within each person. Gender, culture, race, anger, joy, fear, comfort, and anticipation of the unknown are but a few of too many to count: the layers through which one 'sees' what's directly in front of them.

We do not see what the one next to us observes, if they do at all. To identify the layers, we must first identify ourselves; no two are the same. Each has its place. What moments to act on; which to 'ignore'? The answers can only be within our grasp by knowing ourselves. From the deafening din of the inescapable there is no 'quiet' to go within and 'listen'. We must find the places to find ourselves in every possible moment, and identify why we are 'there'. Can peace be found in chaos, or is the latter merely another perception; the answer is different according to whom you ask, and at what moment.

As this is being written the loud laughter of children is filling the air. As it is mostly happiness and enjoyment, there is no distraction. This is a privelege: to be surrounded by joy in this moment, unanticipated, appreciated, accepted, cherished. Every breath is a miracle, as is every child, who in the next moment will be on their way to the next 'unknown'. If there is any purpose in this, it is to be reminded that it is within our power to instill as much contentedness as we can for as many moments as possible. Collectively, the potential rewards are infinite.

Isolation has its place in appropriate proportion, as does being steeped in a sea of 'unknown' souls. 'Balance' is subjective or relative, with no 'correct' answers. We feel for the sorrows, however temporary, of those across this sphere we cannot see or speak to in this moment, knowing we are all connected in some way, yet to be revealed, in process, necessary, and toward a higher level of understanding.

The soul across the aisle during a public commute can seem as far away, by choice or otherwise, impenetrable, or screaming from within, if not literally, if 'seen' at all. 'The luxury of thought' beyond basic survival waves forward again, not unlike a giant flag in the wind. It can feel like silk, or as rough and stinging as burlap, according to where we stand, or sit, in this moment. Again, the 'contrast' is part of 'understanding'. The children remind us of 'simplicity' in all its beauty: why they are born. A validation by a 'stranger' can be remembered for a lifetime (as well as a violation, by the same, or someone trusted). Every day is a 'lifetime' of events. There is value in perspective, incomplete without the sum of its parts. There is love, and there is 'contrast'. In gratitude: the best possible moment to you, in the spirit of all kindred wishes.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What is an 'inconvenience'?

BTW, 'friends' are now approaching 1000, though I haven't been online as much as 'would have liked' lately. Laughing and smiling create better energy, and crying doesn't help anyway. We may as well laugh; nothing is 'forever'. Yes we are often traumatized and must mourn; the latter is how we survive and function. Someday, more will understand. Just wasn't expecting this one, either, yet this is part of the journey.

Before I forget, as this is related to the original post that inspired in part the conception of this blog, the Global Initiative, or CGI convened at the U.N. this past week at a place that was also 'local'. However, as was the schedule not unlike what was described in the original post, I was needed elsewhere. Upon seeing the former president speaking with one of the most popular talk show hosts recently before this took place, I looked up what he had described on Google, though not diligently or persistently, and hadn't found anything. If I had, I may have found a way to be a part of it in some small way, or get together with some who were, had I known it was happening soon on a date not far off.

Apparently, this was not meant to be. Do I feel like I lost out? No. Some things are harder to grasp or comprehend than others, though for the most part (I'm told and often agree), that things happen for a reason. A 'fire was lit' under someone who was there, while I was 'tending to business' in places required elswhere in the city. From what they learned or were moved to action on at the U.N. was groundwork for our eventually getting together.

Some of the individuals who attended are already of acquaintance, others are not. Team members always accomplish more by being able to be in more than one place at once. Likewise, another group was also meeting in my mother's state; I was still needed and required here. It's only a matter of time before those there and I will be assessing where we go from here with common goals and visions; the latter is what brings us together. Who we are is joined by moving toward the same, meeting where those roads join, sooner or later. I'm just wondering at this moment who that I've already met were at which location while I also moved forward on the 'home front', not that this is really 'home' by literal description; it will be for those who choose so, and I see all of us smiling and laughing in concert with many children when the ribbon is cut in front of their new home: a place of hope, freedom, and promise.

What else to laugh about? Back to the start of today's post: what was done to stick to the commitment of making it for this month was a bit 'unusual'; could have been worse, like going to yet another borough had this one not had a library open on Sundays: a 'throwback' to where we were about two years ago, with only internet access from a library. We've been told than anyone can 'make it' on the internet, even if one doesn't own one at home or at a private place with unlimited time. I applaud those who say this in many places, though in locales like New York City, even giving someone in need at a critical time something like a free vehicle can have its drawbacks or 'downside'. Owning a car in a place like this is as often as not yet another 'high maintenance' proposition, as it's as expensive to maintain as rent costs in other parts of the country.

For related reasons, whereas it might be easy elsewhere in the US to maintain &/or build a website, do research, &/or successfully launch an online business from a public library; in a place like New York City when time permits there is only a maximum of an hour for any one session, and sometimes the wait can be hours (which I haven't done; when this happened, that's another day offline). My heart is again reminded of those now where we once were, as we laugh and smile as much as possible at the twists and turns along the way: like finding out the hard way that a computer has a lifespan, or not knowing the warning signs that time is limited for a full backup. Had gone so far as to get the drive to copy all painstakingly created files, just waiting for a block of time that permitted the transfer. Then one morning with no warning, 'friend' computer would no longer come on. Six years of work now wait for a data recovery specialist to return them to their creator. Today isn't the day, for that.

What not having our 'special friend' in the house 'caused' was a long walk in the neighborhood for new discoveries on one of the remaining beautiful days of late summer/early fall, when I might otherwise have been inside online, still approaching the 'turning point' for what will be shared with others as a result of this journey. We will make sure that it won't take others as long to reach their days of freedom; we had this journey first to carve the way for others, as others have before us for what we now take for granted. It's times like this that 'gratitude' means everything in terms of how we respond; how I would have done so at this time when things were so much worse would have been different. We can all make things different, just by 'seeing through different eyes', according to 'where we are'. I'm laughing and smiling today whenever possible, grateful for those I love who know so, and those who feel the same for me and others.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Friends that have doubled, again

The end of the month again; I'm less and less 'at a loss for words'. The progress marker here is that I'm closer to being able to speak as well as I write more consistently. Years ago, during my 'formative' and single years in NYC, I read in a group invited and attended by a playwright and school friend The Velveteen Rabbit, about how when you love something enough, it becomes real. After reading the passage I'd selected, my friend said "You have to do this!", almost pleadingly, her eyes beginning to well with tears. She was referring to my going forward with the reason I'd come to New York: an acting career. I'm ready now, though still not for 'the public'. The young ones who are so talented are so good at 'being others' before they know who they are; I was not unlike them.

Then or shortly thereafter, doors were beginning to open; I stepped back from the threshold of where the journey had taken me, realizing my privacy and whatever love was to me at the time was worth more than mass attention.

I've found 'my place'; it's time to 'practice'. An 'advice column' the following is not; they're my responses to questions on a forum whose thread titles caught my eye. Often the answers do come from others' questions, as mentioned here before (also not by me originally either). I remain grateful for everything and everyone: those that continue to 'guide' as we move forward together.

Thread title: Happening upon money...

Several issues have arisen here, that make me first think of Joe Vitale, whom I deeply respect and admire. Ask him what it's like to live on the street, and you may get a different story than the generalization described and supported in this thread, both, with all due respect and acknowledgment of their kind intentions, do not appear to have had any personal experience with the concept of 'homelessness'.

It is these generalizations and lack of first-hand knowledge in working with 'homeless' individuals and others in related circumstances that contributes to their being regarded as a population 'unworthy' of 'charity', kept separate from those who make such judgments, who do so from lack of understanding of root causes that many in society contribute to by treating those less fortunate as 'undeserving'.

Many of these individuals may not 'come back' because of how they have been treated in their lives to a point that they now buy into the feeling of 'worthlessness', and carry it on. We are responsible for where they are, too. To go into detail of the realities of some of these lives would take too much here.

For now I'm merely pointing out that we cannot condemn someone whose shoes we have not walked in (or comment on those who have none) without better understanding or reconsidering what others have related that sticks as 'popular wisdom'. I'm not advocating directly giving money to someone on the street (we usually give food, or some coins to someone when my child asks); finding reputable and dedicated outreach programs is recommended for 'tithing': a term not restricted to 'religious' settings (see Mark Victor Hansen's The Miracle of Tithing, Jack Canfield's Chicken Soup partner, available as a free download).

As for pressure from 'churches', if this is a feeling that comes from such a setting, perhaps looking for a different spiritual environment could be on the agenda for anyone who may feel this way. Again another long conversation; some 'religious' congregations are more restrictive than others. If it doesn't feel right, holds one back in any way, or does not help in your intentions for being there, there's a reason.

Joe Vitale himself makes recommendations on giving and faith; he has a regular blog as well. Have an exceptionally abundant day.

Thread title: !!!!!VERY INSPIRING!!!!!!

I was drawn to the title you gave the thread, then found you were asking about your appearance and starting school, which is fine. Since I'm here and can't turn back the clock, nor did I have anyone to tell me what all of these wonderful souls have already offered you here, since you asked for more, I'll add my take, b/c you are at a critical age that is to your advantage for an incredibly prosperous and exemplary life. Here goes: Decide what you want, for you, nobody else. It doesn't happen just by asking yourself in an instant, though that's a recommended start. Pay attention to what stirs you.

What do you love to do, what would you do for free, and not think about having to make a living when you get out of school? There are teens now beginning to do just that, which wasn't nearly as possible when I was your age. Love about yourself what you feel no one else understands, that you feel you're an expert on. The rest will follow; doing this now will make the rest of your life perhaps someone who could go into the history books. Read the biographies of those who have done just that; many started early. Take advantage of the haven your school library is at this time in your life, which many your age (& others) do not have.

Do not compare yourself to your classmates, especially the ones who try to make you feel bad; they're not your friends. Do not engage in making others feel bad either, just to fit in. If you do all of these things, you'll be too busy to notice the exterior of your physical form is taking care of itself. Focus on eating healthy and getting as much exercise as you can, to keep the blood and energy in a constant flow to your brain and heart, especially since you're not finished physically growing. Teach yourself as well everything that's out there about money from those who really know (not your family, friends, or anyone who isn't already or nearly a millionaire), which wasn't as available before either.

You're growing up in an extraordinary time; there's no reason why you can't be, do, or have anything you want. Decide specifically what that is, and you will find tremendous joy in teaching others the same just by their being attracted to how you're doing it! It's yours for the taking, once you decide at this best time in your life.

Thread title: Can another person use their own intention...

We are all truly blessed to be in a community of such positive, involved, and engaged support; my applause and gratitude to all of you for your caring and wise words. My response can't really add much to the advice already so generously given.

It may seem extreme to contemplate leaving, though I wouldn't disagree; anything with this type of dynamic present will most likely only get worse. You may be 'holding out' for the relationship depicted in the movie that shows arguing turned around into affection by focusing on the partner's 'good points'; if this person has actually witnessed your interest and puts it down relentlessly, it may best to cut your losses and think about your own future in short order.

Many of us know how difficult and painful this can be, though the longer the delay, the greater the cost. Time cannot come back; how many friends do we know who have lost years of their lives waiting for the relationship they've invested years into to turn around? One of the teachers even said: 'You are the average of your top five most frequent contacts'. Jack Canfield in particular quotes this often from one of his original mentors. In choosing between 'good' and 'great', all ties that hold us back must be 'let go'.

We are responsible for finding our true bliss and giving back what each of us individually can in our own unique ways that no one can duplicate. Children and young people are waiting to learn from your example and legacy, contrary to what they have seen as more common. Please be 'uncommon', so that the next generation is further empowered to follow their dreams and not give it all up for one fully grown who will have to take care of themselves when you find the way to not let them hold you back.

This is so much easier said than done; there's never a 'good time' in these situations, so it's better now than 'another time'. "Take the first step", as begins "the journey of a thousand miles", do not look back, find 'yourself', and make sure every step that follows, every day, is 'forward': replace every hindering thought with a forward one, which has times more power, until the latter becomes habit. When it does, it won't be necessary to look back and see how far you've come; it will be obvious. Your dreams may include that person, in not giving up your wish for their peace, which they, like you, must find on their own, as we all do; it isn't your job to complete their 'world'.

You're surrounded by the right people when you feel better in having been with them; when your energy is less or you feel worse by having given to anyone who does not understand, it serves no one in investing your time there. So there you have it: another lengthy variation on what’s already been said; arrangements of words speaks to each of us differently. Did I plan this? No. Does having said it bring on better feelings? Yes. Will those take us closer to where we want to be? Yes. Best to all.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Finishing what another started; 'friends': over 300

...Had never been there before, only heard of it and thought what most everyone else does who hasn't been there. I was wrong.

Over time, found a number of members who advocate for children; name the topic, someone has a page devoted to it. Many of these people have had horrible things happen to their children as well. Last week it was discovered that four times as many registered offenders were found there compared to the number estimated or calculated even earlier this year (two months ago). Many of this last sweep may have been identified because of the 'watchdog' members. The site that has been assisting with the Dateline series is there, where those arrested on the show were also found.

Another TV morning feature regarding this week's sweep aptly pointed out that those ID'd were registered offenders using their real names: they'd already been arrested and convicted of these crimes. They were also quick to mention that if these are the number of those who will actually use their names post conviction and 'on the street' again, think of how many more there are who do not use their own names &/or have not been caught. Whoever did this to that little girl was witnessed by someone, in a ‘private’ place.

Think of the number still, in this country, where there are no witnesses and it happens repeatedly, sometimes for years. The last thing I would want to do particularly here is detail a major 'downer' that has been encountered. Again, grateful for the one who brought this up; accountability begins in one way by zero tolerance of whatever could lead to so many getting away with so much. Our 'contrast' must shine a broad and exposing light in as many places as we can.

[response by someone praising 'watchdog' group, saying they couldn't do the same]

Thank you; you're right, I couldn't either. We all have unique capacities, and I'm grateful for anyone having such strong feelings that lead them into taking positive action in order to protect others and prevent further harm. Since the last post, the story of the home invasion in Connecticut that wiped out an entire family was in the news again about the funerals; there was one survivor, now speaking through unbearable pain that we cannot go on 'as before'. ‘Wiped out’ simply means that no one in that family that includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins will ever be the same again; they are all now changed, and ‘life’ as they knew it is now permanently not like anything they had perhaps ever known before.

An accompanying article highlighted that now the residents are considering gun purchases: also not an appropriate solution. The issues that are the root causes cannot be addressed this way, though it's a 'logical' response. What is exemplified in our daily lives in the smallest ways speaks to our environment.

...We cannot go on as if bad things only happen to other people; with intentions that we have come to know, we may be less prone to tragedy, and fear serves no one. There are ways to be more than ‘spectators’ to Dateline, and still excel at what we each do best. We insure both our own well-being and that of others by living daily what we learn and can apply well respectively in our own unique ways, in what we act on and choose to exchange, with each other and in our communities. Bringing out the same in others in the ways we can and how those exchanges may cause others to choose of themselves to do more within the scope of their skills and talents comprise these possibilities. Now, take the last sentence and look at it in the negative; this is how the ‘other’ happens. This is where contrast comes in.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thanks for asking...

It's amazing sometimes what can happen when someone asks you the 'right' question at a significant time; some also say that an important lesson in life is what is acquired in knowledge or otherwise according to what is asked. This applies in ways both big and small.

Equally amazing that I would not only go to a site not well-regarded up to now by mainstream 'grown-ups' and respectfully comply with a request by a highly-regarded teacher and mentor which required a sign-up, which I did; I also became involved in this newfound 'culture' enough to begin building the resulting page into a mini-portal in its own right.

The concept of online 'friends' was introduced to me through another site I still use as a homepage. Someone asked me to be their 'friend'. Curious, having no idea what that meant, I followed the email alert that directed me to who had made the request, the site being one I trusted for all basic purposes. Not claiming to still grasp how others find each other in all possible ways, I soon became the 'friend' of a small group of 'like minds', many of whom had no more than a few philosophical sentences to describe themselves, sans photo, which was just as well. Who they are in the ways that 'matter' becomes illustrated by their words and sentiments in the trails of topics connected to their names, many of which I'm not aware of as they continue. We got to know each other upon participating in common 'threads' of supportive dialogue. Some go on to exchange emails or leave each other private messages; a few have met successfully, their common interests enriched, when in the same locales.

Who knew? This ever popular 'new' site, that I'd stereotyped along with the masses as a teenager's forum and typical accompanying parents' 'nightmare', as it's been mostly portrayed in the media, would also now contain pages by prominent notables, organizations, musical groups, politicians, and change agents, in addition to the rest it's most known for.

By the end of the third week, I'd located the page by those that helped corner who preyed on the under aged on national television. They became my 'friend', along with now over a hundred from directly or indirectly related purposes. It was now I who was making the requests, having been able to seek out the contacts of others through their 'friends', so accessibly displayed on their pages.

My criteria for accepting many is who does not portray others in any way that does not become them, even when it is they themselves who present in a way that's less about who they are 'inside'. To date, there are no g-strings or exposed abs in the less visible pages of the total number of 'friends' so far. I can't see it happening going forward, though 'never' say 'never'. Even a great humanitarian can have a great physique; I've yet to see one, however, who took away from the whole of their 'gifts' by allowing the former to become their first impression.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Event of the Month

I went to this that is my official first blog (there are now others on other sites yet to be developed; as they contain 'blog' options on 'main' pages) after several weeks of not being back for awhile. Returned because I was entering my profile into another site that requested a webpage, and I thought this was appropriate for where it was going, until I reflected on the content for 'public consumption'.

What are the odds that these musings would be seen and interpreted out of context or used in a way that's not in the original spirit? Well, during the month I ran into vacationing family members in a city of many millions at the exact moment they were on the same subway platform. If that can happen, anything can. I also noticed that the entries already here were each from a previous month, and that nothing had been added for this one.

After pondering for a moment, I decided another page created on another forum was better for now. I'd started it because a mentor had requested 'saying hello' on his page there, and I had to join to follow through. 'NBD', as this generation now texts, which I don't ('no big deal'). There is now represented there individuals of all ages and backgrounds, including politicians (!). It's been a site I've unconsciously avoided until just recently, due to its being known for catering to a younger crowd, not to mention those who 'look' for the same. It's wishful thinking to entertain that just because a full cross-section of the country online now goes there that the questionable activities have diminished, but I can dream can't I?

So, as I immediately put myself under pressure simultaneously creating a 'profile', letting the world know I exist where like minds have been known to gather, while wondering what profound bit of 'universal' wisdom could be added here. A month passing with no entry was not an option; I knew I could come up with something.

As 'luck' would have it, and to my astonishment, as I hadn't recorded anywhere the page ID that was where I'd created it: on the page itself, I went to the site and instead of entering a username and password, I entered my name in the search box. What came up wasn't my page, though my name certainly did. I hadn't noticed that it was my first name on the actual page I'd created (which is just fine).

The search results had referenced a quote of mine I'd recorded on the web some time ago elsewhere. I remember what had inspired it (another mentor's inquiry), and it remains entirely mine, though how they found it remains a mystery. It wasn't just one reference to my now 'famous' quote, listed amongst others who are either well-known or 'immortal', but two! I went to the pages linked to the search results and was pretty overcome. Both who had chosen to include my words seemed to have obtained them from different sources, nor would they necessarily know each other; the chronology and how it was listed was completely different.

The Event of the Month came to me within seconds of my summoning the inspiration, a natural law in action, in a way whatever conscious ability I have now to create was 'topped'; what I expected to find searching for 'myself' illustrated that I'd been 'discovered' by others, and quoted no less. Little do they know I'm right there with them, another 'first name', grateful for certain 'secrets', for now.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Name of offender known by enough

Written 4/12 p.m. during AC360 (get-well wishes to the NJ Gov., representing another form of fallout that is only beginning): As I write this, he's with them "apologizing" and "tears are being shed". All from one person with 'influence' and an accepted illusion of 'power' having verbally denigrated them, once. Imagine what it's like for hundreds of thousands of women in relationships that have reached the threshold of 'dangerous', also 'acceptable' to the point that if she reaches out for help, it isn't considered 'serious' unless there are documented records of physical abuse; to answer the most 'predictable' question in advance, she doesn't leave because 75% of violent incidents occur when she tries to leave or afterward (sometimes years later), even if 'nothing' happened previously within the household.

And while we're on the subject, the media is now saying that the Duke rape 'victim' is now a 'liar', because her allegations could not be substantiated. According to law, it may or may not have happened; there were simply no 'reliable or credible' witnesses or 'evidence'. By the same token, the players may or may not have been guilty, and are now getting 'applause' as 'innocent'. One of them said, they 'could only imagine' what it would have been like for someone with limited or no resources, like the 'alleged' victim, perhaps? The person 'apologizing' here is merely doing so for expressing 'bias' before 'all' was presented. Usually the bias is simply not so obvious or visible.

If it happened, they can go and do it again, even smarter now and reinforced for what they got away with (like OJ). They could be 'innocent', the point is as in the former scenario the same 'legal' tactics are used against real victims who come out to save themselves (usually with children involved), only to be dismissed or further legally abused because the 'only' witness was a child (with no acknowledged rights), and requests for protection are denied or ignored. Many die this way, literally or spiritually, in this country, often.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

"parallel events"

Seems it's that time of year: everything is happening at once, and in one 'body' I often 'wish' lately I could be three places at one time, or be able to take calls in the middle of meetings or while empathetically listening to the concerns of a longtime friend. Though in the infinite wisdom of the universe, this 'body' doesn't do any of those things, so perhaps that the event that caught my attention at past the half-point had its own purpose in occurring when other significant things were going on.

I'm letting it all go, and passing it on, making a note that this time next year, 'our' world will be different, and those of us whom I've been blessed to make contact with up until this time are aware that perhaps it might be good to schedule our annual events at times that do not overlap so that we can all share more, and be there for each other, for what we have in common. My 'job' (or 'joy') is passing on what can't be absorbed in just one 'body', not taking for granted that something of significance always is on the radar of those we might 'expect' to know the same: why we choose to be there for each other. So this time next year and in the interest of all the moments in between, making time for each other during our annual events that are often consuming will happen at times when we can at least know of each other, so that purposes in common can move forward together. And to be perfectly clear, I mean the collective 'we', not just 'me' and 'you':

"Parallel Events organised by UN Missions, UN Entities and Inter-Governmental Organizations"

The entry that follows the links is condensed from the comprehensive schedule that began last week and continues into this one, during which I'll be attending other events that took as much time to plan (by many equally dedicated souls); my intention is that those that created these and where we were know more about each other going forward. The respective causes merit collaboration, so that more children have more opportunity sooner still. You may know more of the acronyms than I do. Feel free to share.

It began with: Launch of the International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics [iKNOW Politics], then...
ICT is the Key: Global Development, Empowerment, and Gender Equality, the Elimination of Discrimination and Violence against Girls and Young Women
AIT Global
and co-sponsored by:
Division for the Advancement of Women, Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID), Department of Public Information, InfoWorld, CIO, and CSO; IBM and AMD
Breaking the cycle of violence against girls -from child labour to education
Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women
CSW Bureau
and co-sponsored by:
UN Division for the Advancement of Women
Partnerships for protection in the education of girls
A (Afghanistan) to Z (Zimbabwe) of Tackling Discrimination against Women and Girls
Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations
and co-sponsored by:
The role of men in promoting gender equality: The experience of the EU
European Commission
and co-sponsored by:
The Mission of Germany and the Mission of Finland
UN Special Rapporteurs, the Human Rights Council and NGO Networking at the 51st Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
and co-sponsored by:
Office of the High Commissioner for Rights, International Federation of Women Lawyers, WUNRN
Gender-sensitive indicators and measurements of change
How to reach the most marginalized & invisible girls?
State of the World's Children and Women: The double dividend of gender equality
Global Summit for a Better Tomorrow
DESA NGO Section
and co-sponsored by:
Virtue Foundation
Breaking Barriers: Achieving Balance in Numbers and Work Life
International Psychoanalytical Association Trust
and co-sponsored by:
Committeeon the Status of Women
Working to Change Girl's lives from the ground up
Rotary International
and co-sponsored by:
Rotary International, Soroptimist and Zonta
The Role of Men and Boys in ending Discrimination and Violence against girls.
International Council of Jewish Women
and co-sponsored by:
Legislative Advocacy on the Elimination of Violence and Discrimination Against the Girl Child
International League for Human Rights
and co-sponsored by:
Friends of Africa International
Women on the Edge
Manhattanville College
Saving girls, saving the world: Beyond gender equality, moving toward girls' right
International Association of Educators for World Peace
Violence and the Mental Health Consequences for the Girl Child
World Federation for Mental Health
and co-sponsored by:
International Association of Schools of Social Work
Echoes of Eve
National Council of Women of the United States Inc.
and co-sponsored by:
Sub-Committee for the Elimination of Racism of the International NGO Committee on Human Rights, American Physiological Association, Nat'l assoc. of Negro Bus& Prof. Women's Clubs, Inc
No excuses: Defending Women’s and Children’s Rights in Times of Terror
Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice
and co-sponsored by:
San Diego United Nations Association - Women's Equity Council
Realizing Girls' Entitlement to Quality Public Services
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
and co-sponsored by:
Education International; Public Services International
The importance of mothers to the girlchild
Associated Country Women of the World
Role of Men & Boys in Achieving Gender Equality Review Topic
UN Conference
Rural Women and Violence against Girls
Rural Development Leadership Network
and co-sponsored by:
School for violence: how young people learn their roles
Womankind Worldwide
Books and Bagels
International Women's Tribune Center IWTC
The impact of discrimination on a girl’s health
World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts
Improving the treatment of women and girl children in prison
Penal Reform International
Sexual Exploitation and the Girl Child
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
and co-sponsored by:
UNANIMA International
Introducing Women Founders Collective: for Women Founders of NGO's
Project Kesher
and co-sponsored by:
Women Founders Collective
How little resources can protect girl child from getting Fistual & lower child mortality
Zenab for Women in Development, Inc.
and co-sponsored by:
Nation to Nation Networking
Not only victims: Girls as social change agents
International Fellowship of Reconciliation
and co-sponsored by:
IFOR Women Peacemakers Program
The Girl Empowerment Strategy under the Concept of Gender Mainstreaming
Simply Help, Inc.
Creating Global Change with the UN Study on Violence vs Women
Zonta International
and co-sponsored by:
International Council of Women, Soroptimist Int'l, BPWI, IFUW
Female Infanticide
Worldwide Organization for Women
WOMEN’S RIGHTS ACROSS OUR BORDERS: Root Causes in an Uprooted World
International Women Judges Foundation
Drawing attention to the issue of women in decision-making - The other side of discrimination and violence against women and the girl-child
Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione Febbraio 74
and co-sponsored by:
ASDO - Assemblea delle donne per lo sviluppo e la lotta all’esclusione sociale (Assembly of Women for development and the Struggle Against Social Exclusion
Violence Against the Girl Child: Consequences Across the Life Span
NGO CSW NY Subcommittee on Violence Against Women
Crimes Of Honor Against Girls & Women
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Towards The Health and Well - Being of the Girl- Child
International Health Awareness Network
Small Funders: Big Ideas
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund, Inc.
and co-sponsored by:
Project 5-0
The girl child in the indigenous communities, violence, vulnurability and a constructive way forward
VIVAT International
and co-sponsored by:
NGO Committee on the UN International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples
Too Young to Wed: Ending Child Marriage in Developing Countries
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
and co-sponsored by:
International Center for Research on Women, UNICEF
Violence of the girlchild in work situations: challenges and responses.
International Alliance of Women
and co-sponsored by:
Legal Mechanisms to Protect the Girl Child from Neglect, Abuse and Punishment from around the World
International Federation of Women Lawyers FIDA
Womanhood and motherhood: how to be a world changer
Endeavour Forum Inc.
Discrimination and Violence against the Girl Child: Health Disparities
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
and co-sponsored by:
Forming Movement of Girls and Boys Against Violence and Discrimination
Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children
and co-sponsored by:
NGO Committee on UNICEF
Advancing the Human Rights of Girls: NGOs' approaches in Moving Girls' Rights Forward
Canadian Federation of University Women
and co-sponsored by:
1. Canadian Federation of University Women and 2.The National Council of Women of Canada
Health of Girl Child is Global Wealth
Medical Women's International Association
and co-sponsored by:
National Council of Women( NCW) , American Medical Womens Association(AMWA)
Media exploitation of girls as a form of violence against girls
National Alliance of Women's Organizations
and co-sponsored by:
UK Asian Women's Conference, Women's National Commission, European Women's Lobby and International Council of Jewish Women
The importance of valuing women's caregiving work in the elimination of discrimination against women and the girl child
Federation Europeenne des Femmes Actives au Foyer
WWSF Circles of compassion to help meet UN MDGs
Women's World Summit Foundation
and co-sponsored by:
The Millionth Circle
Legal Perspectives for Advancing the Status of Women and Girls Invitation Only
International Federation of Women in Legal Careers FIFCJ & Partners
Building a Mentally Healthy Environment to Promote Gender Equity for Girls
World Federation for Mental Health
and co-sponsored by:
Mental Health Association
Lift Your Voices
United Nations Association of San Diego
and co-sponsored by:
United Nations Association Pasadena-Foothills Chapter; Fifty-Fifty Leadership
Mothers Empowering Daughter, a panel of experts including the US Parents of the Year in a presentation on Conference related issues.
Association of United Families International
UN Reform and Gender Architecture: Where Do We Stand? Part 2
International Women's Tribune Centre
and co-sponsored by:
Asia-Pacific Women’s Watch
Protecting the Girl Child HIV/AIDS Orphans
Lawyers Without Borders
Girls Building Peace
Worldwide Organization for Women
and co-sponsored by:
World Vision, International Federation of Univeristy Women
UN Security Council Resolution 1325
International Women's Tribune Center IWTC
Fighting the Good Fight: Women's Right Activism in an Era of Global Crisis
Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace
Workshop on the Responsibility to Protect and Peacebuilding Commission
World Federalist Movement
and co-sponsored by:
World Federalist Movement-Inst. for Global Policy and Centre for Conflict Resolution
World Peace Begins at Home
Worldwide Organization for Women
and co-sponsored by:
World Peace Parents
Patriarchy and its Impact on the Girl Child
International Save the Children Alliance
and co-sponsored by:
Challenges Confronting Women's Leadership
National Council for Research on Women
Mental Health Implications of Violence and Discrimination against the Girl-Child: Prevention and Interventions
NGO Committee on Mental Health
Women Rights, Child abuse and Human Rights
Peace Worldwide
and co-sponsored by:
Peace Worldwide
The Secretary General’s Report on Violence against Children: Eradicating Sexual Exploitation
Women's Bar Association of the State of New York WBASNY
CSWs: Institutional mechanisms to enhance the status of women and girls
Women's Commission Research and Education Fund (National Association of Commissions for Women)
TheGirl Child: Critical Awareness -impact of global media
National Council of Women of the United States Inc.
and co-sponsored by:
Nat'l Assn of Negro Bus& Prof Women's Clubs, Knowledge Trust,