Monday, May 28, 2007

Event of the Month

I went to this that is my official first blog (there are now others on other sites yet to be developed; as they contain 'blog' options on 'main' pages) after several weeks of not being back for awhile. Returned because I was entering my profile into another site that requested a webpage, and I thought this was appropriate for where it was going, until I reflected on the content for 'public consumption'.

What are the odds that these musings would be seen and interpreted out of context or used in a way that's not in the original spirit? Well, during the month I ran into vacationing family members in a city of many millions at the exact moment they were on the same subway platform. If that can happen, anything can. I also noticed that the entries already here were each from a previous month, and that nothing had been added for this one.

After pondering for a moment, I decided another page created on another forum was better for now. I'd started it because a mentor had requested 'saying hello' on his page there, and I had to join to follow through. 'NBD', as this generation now texts, which I don't ('no big deal'). There is now represented there individuals of all ages and backgrounds, including politicians (!). It's been a site I've unconsciously avoided until just recently, due to its being known for catering to a younger crowd, not to mention those who 'look' for the same. It's wishful thinking to entertain that just because a full cross-section of the country online now goes there that the questionable activities have diminished, but I can dream can't I?

So, as I immediately put myself under pressure simultaneously creating a 'profile', letting the world know I exist where like minds have been known to gather, while wondering what profound bit of 'universal' wisdom could be added here. A month passing with no entry was not an option; I knew I could come up with something.

As 'luck' would have it, and to my astonishment, as I hadn't recorded anywhere the page ID that was where I'd created it: on the page itself, I went to the site and instead of entering a username and password, I entered my name in the search box. What came up wasn't my page, though my name certainly did. I hadn't noticed that it was my first name on the actual page I'd created (which is just fine).

The search results had referenced a quote of mine I'd recorded on the web some time ago elsewhere. I remember what had inspired it (another mentor's inquiry), and it remains entirely mine, though how they found it remains a mystery. It wasn't just one reference to my now 'famous' quote, listed amongst others who are either well-known or 'immortal', but two! I went to the pages linked to the search results and was pretty overcome. Both who had chosen to include my words seemed to have obtained them from different sources, nor would they necessarily know each other; the chronology and how it was listed was completely different.

The Event of the Month came to me within seconds of my summoning the inspiration, a natural law in action, in a way whatever conscious ability I have now to create was 'topped'; what I expected to find searching for 'myself' illustrated that I'd been 'discovered' by others, and quoted no less. Little do they know I'm right there with them, another 'first name', grateful for certain 'secrets', for now.

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