Thursday, April 30, 2015


One of those words than can be taken more than one way. The first that comes to mind is one that hits home in a way that ignites a whole bunch of trauma triggers, because spin is what affects decisions that get written based on stories and not fact. It's all in how you say it, a lot like marketing. Really big and business as usual in politics, as well as mainstream media. It's really what you're not hearing about that all the noise is an effort to drown out: the cries of children, and animals too for that matter. Other animals; we are as well, good and bad. To call someone an animal also has a negative connotation, though for some humans a lot of animals are much more diginified and deserving of so much more. The link we are not yet recognizing in this country and others is the treatment of children and any other member of a household that's not the 'head of household': a whole big constitutional conversation we don't have room for right here, right now.

At the root of a lot of what's going on now is a conversation about equality. It shakes up the tax structure to make everyone equal, as the female supreme court justice said another way in the last day or two. The pope wants both genders paid the same too. After all this time, why are we not? And why have we allowed it so long? To empower the more gentle gender would definitely reduce violence. Violence is a tool of power, that our tax dollars pay for, without our consent, to harm children, and other household members, treated in the practice of law as property. We've tolerated it because the real stories and implications have been spun over so that we accept them, to even be entertained by the fallout, the consequences falling on the vulnerable and silent. No one hears the tears, they fall nonetheless. The awakening is inevitable, yet how many more will suffer before the tide turns?

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