Saturday, June 30, 2018


Started going again after the last major surgery.  Cried through a multiple page testimony that only a couple of people saw.  That would set the tone for a general impression that seems not so easily ignored.

It's a church full of humans, with many flaws, as all churches have.  I may be more or less happy with the next.  I just hope it's the former.

Another surgery on the horizon before the next month is over, along with the revision of an interim 'will'.  Went back to church after surviving the last surgery and a week's hospital stay that included a day or two in ICU from blood loss during a nine hour procedure.

Now the aftereffects warrant more work.  It could have been better, or otherwise.  It's a quality of life issue I'm reminded of every time I walk.  If there's a chance of improvement it's to be taken, however frightening.

They're praying already, and I'm grateful.  The Bible suddenly has a lot of new things to say.

Preparing emotionally is just as difficult as the last time.  I just have more faith now.

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