Sunday, April 15, 2007

Name of offender known by enough

Written 4/12 p.m. during AC360 (get-well wishes to the NJ Gov., representing another form of fallout that is only beginning): As I write this, he's with them "apologizing" and "tears are being shed". All from one person with 'influence' and an accepted illusion of 'power' having verbally denigrated them, once. Imagine what it's like for hundreds of thousands of women in relationships that have reached the threshold of 'dangerous', also 'acceptable' to the point that if she reaches out for help, it isn't considered 'serious' unless there are documented records of physical abuse; to answer the most 'predictable' question in advance, she doesn't leave because 75% of violent incidents occur when she tries to leave or afterward (sometimes years later), even if 'nothing' happened previously within the household.

And while we're on the subject, the media is now saying that the Duke rape 'victim' is now a 'liar', because her allegations could not be substantiated. According to law, it may or may not have happened; there were simply no 'reliable or credible' witnesses or 'evidence'. By the same token, the players may or may not have been guilty, and are now getting 'applause' as 'innocent'. One of them said, they 'could only imagine' what it would have been like for someone with limited or no resources, like the 'alleged' victim, perhaps? The person 'apologizing' here is merely doing so for expressing 'bias' before 'all' was presented. Usually the bias is simply not so obvious or visible.

If it happened, they can go and do it again, even smarter now and reinforced for what they got away with (like OJ). They could be 'innocent', the point is as in the former scenario the same 'legal' tactics are used against real victims who come out to save themselves (usually with children involved), only to be dismissed or further legally abused because the 'only' witness was a child (with no acknowledged rights), and requests for protection are denied or ignored. Many die this way, literally or spiritually, in this country, often.