Thursday, July 31, 2014

Good night, Love.

I remembered, then forgot, then remembered again. Made it this month, which is more than I can say for other things. Son asleep after a long overnight at camp; he needed the rest. Just happy he's home safe and sleeping comfortably, after a camp night on the floor. Not the best 24 hours he's had, though maybe not the worst, either. Either way, it exhausted him and he actually went to bed early, by saying he wanted to lie down for a little while, then didn't get up: big surprise. Had him move from head at the bottom to under the covers with his head on the pillow, then lights off and nightlight on, precious as ever. Could say more, but won't. Not because I don't want to, it's just that going into the other ails of the world is really no comparison, and meant for another time and place. Once in awhile, less is more.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Overwhelm, again.

Started a week ago or more, and couldn't finish. Way too much going on no single parent should ever have to deal with. The upside is being with son when he isn't in summer camp. He is now officially bigger than I am, yet still a very young teen, with many things unresolved. He loves our home family, and is enjoying the summer so far.

The Fourth was a bit of a bust from the peripherals of Hurricane Arthur, and though the day was not eventful with cancellations and rain after we'd already made the trip, I'm still grateful we were together. The storm affected others more adversely and we were unharmed. This is made a point to the young man as often as possible, to keep things in perspective.

Waiting to win the lottery, or something similar. Just heard on the radio this morning someone went on a crowdsourcing site for $10 to make potato salad and ended up with $35,000. I guess anything is possible.